How to Connect Google Dialogflow?

How to Connect Google Dialogflow?

To connect Google Dialogflow, you need to have a Google Dialogflow account. Please go to to create an account. Once you create your account, please go to Console. 


After that, click Create Agent button in the left menu. If you already have other agents, click the agent name, scroll to the bottom and click Create new agent. 



Enter your agent's name and default language then click the Create button. After creating an agent, enter the settings by clicking the button next to its name. Here is the Project ID information of the project that created under the title of Google Project in General tab. You will use this information in MindBehind. 



Go to and navitage to "IAM & Admin" tab. Click on "Service Accounts"


Here, click on "Select a Project" and then "ALL" from the dropdown menu. Find your project and click on it.


On the next page, click "Create Service Account"



Give name to your account and click "Create and Continue"



On second step, select a role for your account. Navigate to "basic" and then click "Owner". Click "continue" once it's done. Then click "done" on 3rd step.


Now, you'll be able to see the account you created as below. Click on it to continue.



On the next page, navigate to "KEYS" tab and click on "Add key" dropdown menu below and select "Create new key". 

On the next window, select JSON and click "Create".


There will be a file downloaded automatically. Open this file with Notepad and copy the code there. Please copy the code as a whole statement starting with "{" and ending with "}".

Go to and click Companies section. Select your company that you want to add Google Dialogflow connection. Under AI&NLP tab, you will see Dialogflow option for AI connection.  When you click that, following pop up will open.  

Head over to Configurations tab.

The first field AI Name is a free text area. You can name it as you want. For the Project ID,  please fill it with the information that you get from Dialogflow. Paste the code you copied on the file you created in previous step to "JSON Private Key" field.  Then click "Save".

Please note that we have blurred the image on purpose. JSON Private Keys are unique so we recommend you to not to share it.


Success! You can now work on your intents and entities on Dialogflow.





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