How to Connect Microsoft LUIS

How to Connect Microsoft LUIS

To be able to connect a Microsoft LUIS assistant in MindBehind, you need to fill the following fields that pop-up shows you.

To fill the related fields which are token number and primary key, you should access the Luis Panel and create an account. If you have one, log in with your account.

After creating an account, you should choose an authoring resource. You can create a new authoring resource. If you have authoring resources, please go below and follow the instructions of the “Azure Cognitive Service account” part.

You can go directly to the portal for creating new authoring resource group.


For the create options, you should choose the “Authoring” option.


For resource group you can create by clicking the “create new” button.


After creating the new resource group, please set your “Authoring location”. After filling the following fields please click the “review+create” button.


And you should click the “create” button.

Now, you can create a new “Azure Cognitive Service account” in LUIS page . Please fill the following fields.


Now you can create a new assistant by clicking the “new app “ button from the My Apps tab.


After filling the related fields, you can click on your new assistant and you can create new intent or add prebuilt domain intent.


After creating and naming your project, please click the “Manage” button on the redirected page and go to settings.


You will see AppID, under the “Application Settings”. This will be used for Application ID in Mindbehind AI-Integration pop-up.

Click Azure Resources, Primary Key is located under “Authoring Resource”. This will be also used for the “Primary Key” in the pop-up. In addition, Endpoint URL will be used for the “Endpoint” field on the pop-up.

Now you can successfully add Windows LUIS :)

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