How to Integrate Wabiz API ?

How to Integrate Wabiz API ?

Steps of wabizAPI’s integration is divided into small steps like following points:

1. First Step is to go to mindbehind home page (
2. Second Step is click on company profile which is in side bar on the left of the home page.

2.1 When click on the company profile icon, you will have gone company profile page.

3. We’re sure the you’re on the company profile page. You can see card that which has written name of the company profile on. You click on the righ card which has related name of the company.

Don’t forget, You must be admin to go inside.
We're going to continue by assuming that you have permission

4. When click on the related card. you navigate inside company profile. You can see following page.

5. After then, You click channel tab on the navigation to see channels.

5.1. When click on the channels tab, You will have seen all channels related company has.

6. If you have channel which is type of whatsapp, you can ignore this step. You create channel click on the Add channel button which is on right-top page.

6.1 When click on the add channel button, the pop will have to be opening up.

6.2 There is one input to select channels. You set input as ADD Whatsapp.

6.3 After click on the ‘ADD CHANNEL’ button, another pop up will have to be opening up to get related Whatsapp information.

6.4 We need to get name and account from you. After you set information that we want, you will have made connection whatsapp account with mindbehind account. And, if everything is okey, The channle is created, you made it.

6.5 You can see this channel under the channels tab. 

7. After your channels created, you need to write related information to ingrate it. At the right of the whatsapp channel row, you can see the some icon like following:

The pencil icon represents Webhook.
7.1 you click on the pencil icon, then the pop up will have  opened up. You need to set webhook url and webhook token, then click on the save button. That’s it, the intagration is done.

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