How to Publish your Bot to Instagram

How to Publish your Bot to Instagram


Before publishing your bot on your Instagram Business account please follow the following steps:

First of all, connect your Instagram Business account to a Facebook account.


Select Settings from your Instagram account. At the bottom left of the page, select “Accounts Center”.




From here, select the add accounts button and add your Facebook account.


You will see the following popup which will show your Instagram Business account and your Facebook account:



After setting up the account, you will see the following window:


2.   After connecting your instagram account, you need to give permissions for the bot to send messages on your instagram business. It can be done by following the provided screenshots: 

First open the options menu, from here select Settings > Privacy > Messages and then allow access to messages.

Now you have finished setting up your Instagram Business account with your Facebook account.

Next you need to connect your Instagram Business account with your Facebook page.

  1. Go to the settings of the page. 
  2. On the left find ‘Page Tasks’ or ‘Page Roles’.
  3. Check your role whether it is ‘Admin’. If not, please ask the admin of the page to change your role.

Link your Facebook page to your Instagram Business, by selecting “Instagram” inside of Page settings.


Select “Connect Account” and allow access to the following permissions:


Next log into your Instagram Business account:


You will see a similar window upon successfully connecting your Instagram account with your Facebook page.

Please make sure that two-factor authentication is set up for the user in the Admin role. 

Setting up the bot for your Instagram Business account:


1.   Go to MindBehind platform.

2.   Choose the company that your assistant belongs to.

   3.  Click on Channels.

4.   Click the Connect button for Instagram.


5.   Log into your Facebook account.


6.   Click on edit settings.


7.   Select the Instagram Business account.


8.   Select the Facebook page linked to the Instagram Business account.

9.   Allow all the permissions required.


10.   Select the Facebook page and press save.

11.   Go to your assistant.


12.   Right on the top click ‘Publish’.

13.   When you click on ‘Channels’ you can see the Instagram page that you added.


14.   For the last step, please click the ‘Deployments’ section and press add deployment.

15.   Select your channel.

16.   Select the assistant version and press “Publish”.

Congratulations! Your bot is running on your Instagram Business account.

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