How to Use Commerce Manager

How to Use Commerce Manager


  1. If your Facebook Business Page is a new page, please make sure it is verified (see How to Create a Facebook Business Manager (FBM)?). Set your page settings. Make sure that a minimum of 10/13 of page settings are completed.

  1.  Go to “Meta Business Suite” and select Business Account. If you do not have any, please create a business account.

  1. After you reach the Meta Business Suite, you will see the Business Manager. You can find the Create a Business Account button here.

  1. On the left side menu on Meta Business Suite, you will see the Settings button. Click on it.

  1. If you want to add a new person to your Business Account, you can go to the Add People tab. On this page, you can add users with different roles such as admin or employee. You can also assign assets to the people you have added for your Facebook Page or Catalog.

How to set up a Catalog on Facebook

  1.  In Business Assets, first click Add Asset button and then click Facebook Page. Then, continue with Claim an Existing Facebook Page. You should provide link of your facebook page that you want to add.

  1. To create a catalog for the commerce, select Commerce tab on the left menu.

Note: If you do not have any catalog yet, please follow the documentation about how to add a catalog in commerce.

  1. Please make sure that your catalog is displayed on this page.

  1. After adding the catalog and the items on it, go back to Business Assets page to add assets to your catalog of your business account.

  1. Go to Business Manager via clicking More Business Settings on the left side menu. Click on WhatsApp Accounts. Continue to Settings and finally click on WhatsApp Manager.

  1.  You will see the WhatsApp Business Account on this Page.  Go to the Catalog button on the left side menu.

  1.  Click on Choose Catalog and select the required Catalog from here.

  1. Click on Connect Catalog button after your selection.

  1. Now you can view the Catalog with the connected WhatsApp Business Number.

Connecting to MindBehind

  1. Go to and select Companies. On your company page, open the integration tab and click on Commerce Manager Integration.

  1.  The next step requires login to Facebook. 

  1. Click on the continue button.

  1. Please click on the Choose what you allow button.

  1. Then, select the related Business Manager and select the related Page on that screen. Click Continue.

  1. You will get a pop-up. Please select the page and click on Save.

 Congrats! You connected your Commerce Manager to MindBehind!

How to Create a Chatbot and Publish on WhatsApp

  1. Please go to and click on the Companies tab on the left bar. Go to the Assistants tab and select a assistant or create a new assistant.

  1. On your assistant's page, select the Commerce Action module. After clicking on the module, you need to select Commerce Manager.

  1. Please select catalog.

  1. After selecting the catalog, you will see the module parameters. You can fill in the details. For limitations, please look at the end of this document.

Note: If you send a multi-product message, you should fill in the header text after the selection of products.
  1. After filling in the required information, please click the + button to add a new section.

  1. After selecting the section, you will see the section title field and products below. Enter the section title. From the product list, you can choose one or multiple products here. For restrictions, please look at the limitations at the end of the documentation.

Note: In the Commerce action, a maximum of 1000 products in the catalog can be fetched.
  1. Select the connection at the end to continue the bot flow. Also, please select fallback module for better conversation experience.

  1. After you are done with the design and ready to publish your bot on WhatsApp, please click on “Publish” and select your WhatsApp Channel, then click to Publish.

Congrats! You published your Commerce chatbot on WhatsApp! 🙂

Limitations for Commerce Manager

Field Limitations

  • Body text is required for multi-products and optional for a single product. It should be less than 1024 characters.
  • Footer text is required and should be less than 60 characters.
  • Header text is required for multi-products and should be less than 60 characters.
  • Button text is optional and should be less than 20 characters. The default is View for the single product and View items for multi-product

Section Limitations

  • The section Title text is required for every section.
  • Minimum 1 and maximum 10 Sections can be created per module.
  • Each section should have at least 1 and at max 10 products, with a maximum of 30 products total across all sections.

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