LUIS Provider User Documentation

LUIS Provider User Documentation


To connect Microsoft LUIS AI Provider in MindBehind following fields needs to be filled.

Application ID, Authoring Resource Primary Key, Prediction Resource Primary Key, Endpoint and Management Endpoint fields can be provided from Luis Panel. Pipeline Provider Url will be get from Devops Team.

How to Connect Microsoft LUIS

  1. Create an account from LUIS Panel or if you already have one please log in.
  2. In Select an Azure Resource window, find your Azure Directory, Azure Subscription and Authoring Resource. If you don’t have a subscription you can create one by clicking on create a free account. Then, you should choose an Authoring Resource.

3. In "Create a new authoring resource" window, select an Azure resource group, choose a resource name and fill the other fields as in below. If you don’t have an Azure resource group, you can directly go to Azure Portal to create one.

4. Select a subscription and fill resource group name and set your region. After filling these fields click on Review+create button. In the next page click on Create button. 

5. Go back to Create a new authoring resource window, after refresh you should be able to see resource group for related subscription, select and click on Done button.

6. After this, page will go back to Select an Azure resource window and again click on Done button here. You will be directed to Conversation apps page.

7. You can create an provider by clicking on New App button. Fill related fields and click on Done button.

8. After creating your app, click on Manage button and you can get your App ID from here.

9. You can go to Azure Resources and select Authoring Resource from Luis Panel. Here you can find Primary Key, Location and Endpoint. You can fill MindBehind Authoring Resource Primary Key and Endpoint config with these values. Management Endpoint is used for API calls so fill Region part of the below link with the Location info you retrieved. In this example it will be like

10. Go to Prediction Resources and you will find Primary Key here. You can fill Prediction Resource Primary Key config with this value.

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